Texas: (832) 521-3001     |     Tennessee: (615) 767-2247    |     Kentucky: (270) 969-4646     |     Florida: (727) 434-9665 
Texas: (832) 521-3001     |     Tennessee: (615) 767-2247  
   Kentucky: (270) 969-4646     |     Florida: (727) 434-9665 
Texas: (832) 521-3001 
   Tennessee: (615) 767-2247
Kentucky: (270) 969-4646     
   Florida: (727) 434-9665 

Getting New Roofing During the Pandemic: Everything You Need to Know

The residential roofing industry’s worth $10.4 billion. Why? Where there are homeowners, there are roofing needs.

61.7% of Texas residents are homeowners. Since Texas populates 28.7 million people, that means 17.7 million of them know the importance of roof renovations.

Roofing during the pandemic may seem more difficult these days, but the opposite is true! It’s never been easier to fix your roof given that social distancing’s a natural part of the job. It’s an outdoor job, after all.

Worrying about your roof’s safety your personal safety can be stressful, but we’re here to ease your mind.

We’re experts in roofs, and now in pandemic roofs. Here’s what to know.

Roofing during the pandemic

Roofing During the Pandemic

There’s nothing like a pandemic to magnify your house complaints. More time at home means more awareness of the home. The gift in having more time’s being able to check some things off your long-standing to-do

If you’ve been panic googling getting roof during COVID, part of you knows it’s time. While other projects are on pause right now, roofing shouldn’t be one of them.

Here’s what to know about roofing during the pandemic.

Reasons to Roof

There are two reasons your roof’s calling you. Like any home improvement, there are proactive and reactive motivators.

With more time on your hands, it makes sense to be proactive before the world gets busy again. Preventative care means investing in your home before you experience stressful symptoms.

Proactive Roofing

To know if it’s time to spruce up the home, ask yourself:

  • When’s the last time the roof’s been checked?
  • How old’s the home?
  • How are my energy bills?
  • How’s the weather been?

If roof upgrades have become a should, that’s your wisdom poking you.

Reactive Roofing

Reactive roofing means the roof’s in rough shape. You’ve experienced the following symptoms:

  • Internal leaks
  • Mold, mildew, rotting, or discoloration
  • Concern for safety or stability
  • Compromised structure
  • Sagging spots
  • Critters and pests

If there’s one thing to remember during this time, it’s the importance of health and safety. Home’s the place for that. The shelter-at-home and safer-at-home ordinances say so themselves.

Shelter’s a basic human need and shaky roofs compromise that. Whether you’re drawn to roof upgrades for proactive or reactive reasons, roofing COVID help’s on the way.

COVID Roofing Texas

COVID’s shown the difference between wants and needs, as well as what’s essential and non-essential. Since shelter and safety are essential, it only makes sense that roofing is too.

In a time where everyone’s money-conscious, it’s important to know the benefits of a roof renovation. Once you know why you need roofing help, you can reap its benefit.

Benefits of Roof Upgrades

Your intention for the roof will impact your experience of the new one. What does your roof need? It could be any of the following things.

  • Energy-efficiency
  • Beautification
  • Increased property value
  • Heightened curb appeal
  • Stability
  • Weather resistance

Living in Texas means enduring hot and cold seasons with 106 days of rain. While roofs should last a couple of decades, your home’s climate can hurry your need to upgrade.

In places like Texas with weather ranging from 47°-95°, it’s important to have a roof that can withstand those changes. Can yours?

Other Considerations

How long have you been in the home? Roof replacements for new homeowners and old homeowners are different experiences. New homeowners may not know what happened before they moved in, so it’s a good idea to get inspected.

Lucky long-time homeowners may have worn their roof out from start to finish. Wherever you are in your homeowning process, you’ll likely confront the age-old question: replace or repair?

The bottom line is replacing’s best for long-term satisfaction. Your decision depends on what you’re needing to replace and why. A broken shingle or two calls for an obvious repair, whereas long-term damage needs a whole upgrade.

A benefit to pandemic roofing’s being able to engage with the upgrading process. How many times have you had to reschedule estimates and appointments because of late work nights and inconveniences?

Being home means being part of the fun—perhaps for the first time! All home upgrades are educational experiences. It’s good to know what’s happening in—or on—your home.

In these uncertain times, engaging with your roof can be empowering. You’re in total control of your roof upgrade.

That includes learning about different roofing materials. Ask yourself:

  • Which material looks and works best with Texas-style homes?
  • What works well in your neighborhood and community?
  • What’s beautiful and functional?

Roof Design

Your home’s unique to you and Texas. Whether you have a contemporary townhouse or ranch-style home, consider which roof embraces the architecture.

Roofing’s connected to the house as a whole system. Your preferred roofing material can depend on the following things.

  • Design options
  • Colors
  • Sustainability
  • Strength
  • Weather-resistance
  • Historic look
  • Weight
  • Budget

Having an idea of your preferences can help us give you the freshest Texas roof out there.

The common roofing experience these days rests in appreciation. Having the time to tend to your home’s profound and understated gift.

It’ll be a moment to remember for the next twenty years. Gone are the basic roofs—pandemic roofs are in. What will yours look like?

Roofing COVID Help at Last

Things have slowed, but the world’s still turning. We’re here to hold the light for those needing to keep on keeping on. COVID’s changed us all and Fitz Roofing’s here for your concerns.

With COVID comes COVID relief, and we’re ready to relieve you of your roofing woes. People often express gratitude for having roofs over their heads. We not only make sure you have a roof over your head but that it’s a strong one.

Plus, 10% of all Fitz Roofing’s profits are donated to families needing new roofing systems. We’re about more than roofs—we’re here to make a difference. See how Fitz’s Roofing can raise your roof as well as your spirits.

Contact us today to learn how easy roofing during the pandemic can be!

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